What if I am not happy with the performance of my ThroughTheDoor agent?
· All branches of ThroughTheDoor Ltd belong to the PRS (Property Redress Scheme): Property independent dispute resolution scheme.
· The majority of disputes involving landlords, tenants and agents come about because one party or more may have misunderstood their responsibilities. It is important to read your tenancy agreement (if you are a tenant) or the agent's terms and conditions/lease terms (if you are a landlord) very carefully and make sure that you are keeping to your side of the agreement.
· Every member of ThroughTheDoor Ltd is required to operate and abide by an in-house complaints process. If you are unhappy with the performance of your ThroughTheDoor Ltd agent you should speak to the agent in the first instance and give them a reasonable opportunity to resolve the issue.
· If you have a complaint you will need to tell your ThroughTheDoor Ltd agent (in writing): Tell your agent why you are unhappy, setting out the act or omission you believe has occurred.
· Let the agent know what you would like them to do or resolve your complaint.
· Follow up any conversations in writing or by email, making a note of the date and time and who you spoke to.
· Keep copies of all correspondence with the agent.
· If you receive the agent's final response to a complaint and you remain unhappy, or eight weeks have passed and the complaint is unresolved, an Ombudsman may be able to help.
How do I contact Ombudsman Services: Property?
Your agent should give you details about how to complain to the PRS independent dispute resolution scheme. If your agent has not passed on these details to you then please contact ThroughTheDoor Ltd in writing:
Email: ttdlettings@gmail.com
Address: Second Floor, 34 Cambridge Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1DT
About Ombudsman Services: Property
Ombudsman Services give independent and impartial decisions on complaints. The service is free for consumers (landlords and tenants) to use. They operate under appropriate legislation and with the approval of regulatory authorities and trade bodies such as UKALA. Ombudsman Services are not a watchdog or regulator - their job is to resolve complaints, not punish agents they resolve complaints against. Ombudsman Services are independent so do not take sides.
In making decisions Ombudsman Services take into account: relevant law, regulatory rules, guidance and standard code of practice, and what is accepted as industry good practice.
What are the timeframes for making a complaint?
There are rules about when Ombudsman Services can accept a complaint. For most complaints you must: complain to a company within twelve months of becoming aware of the issue, and contact us within nine months of first complaints to the company.
For some complaints there are different timescales, they may accept a complaint anyway if Ombudsman Services are satisfied that there are exceptional reasons to justify the delay.
How do Ombudsman Services handle complaints?
Ombudsman Services help to resolve complaints as quickly as possible with the most appropriate outcome. They aim to resolve complaints using negotiation. Complaints are usually resolved with six to eight weeks.
Putting things right
Ombudsman Services role is to resolve the complaints appropriately for you. They are not there to punish companies when things go wrong. Ombudsman Services decisions are binding on the agent and are enforceable in court.
Ombudsman Services can require: an apology, an explanation of what went wrong, a practical action to correct a problem, and or a financial award (subject to a limit).
They may also make recommendations to the agent so it can avoid similar problems happening again. If you accept Ombudsman Services' decision you lose the right to the resolution they have offered, but you retain the right to take your complaint elsewhere, such as the courts.
Privacy Policy Last updated
10 September 2024
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